Google Chrome/Chromium disk cache

Google Chrome/Chromium uses disk cache to store resources fetched from the web so that they can be accessed quickly at a latter time if needed.

Cache version 2

On Linux Google Chrome/Chromium 8


On Linux Google Chrome/Chromium 9 to 51


On Mac OS


Where the $PROFILE contains the name of the profile. The default profile is named “Default”.

On Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\%PROFILE%\Cache\

On Windows Vista, 7

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\%PROFILE%\Cache\

Where the %PROFILE% contains the name of the profile. The default profile is named “Default”.

Media Cache

/home/$USER/.cache/chromium/$PROFILE/Media Cache/
/home/$USER/.cache/google-chrome/$PROFILE/Media Cache/

Application Cache

/home/$USER/.config/chromium/$PROFILE/Application Cache/Cache/
/home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/$PROFILE/Application Cache/Cache/


On Linux Google Chrome/Chromium 68


Where the $EXTENSION contains the identifier of the extension such as “nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda”.


Test versions

Software Version Platform
Google Chrome 8.0.552.237 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 9.0.597.107 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 10.0.648.205 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 11.0.696.60 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 12.0.742.124 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 13.0.782.220 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 14.0.835.186 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 15.0.874.121 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 16.0.912.77 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 17.0.963.83 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 18.0.1025.168 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 19.0.1084.52 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 20.0.1132.57 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 31.0.1650.48 Linux 32-bit
Google Chrome 40.0.2214.115 Linux 64-bit
Google Chrome 50.0.2661.75 Linux 64-bit
Google Chrome 51.0.2704.84 Linux 64-bit
Google Chrome 68.0.3440.84 Linux 64-bit