Mozilla Firefox disk cache

Mozilla Firefox uses disk cache to store resources fetched from the web so that they can be accessed quickly at a latter time if needed.

There are 2 known disk cache formats:

  • Mozilla Firefox disk cache format version 1

  • Mozilla Firefox disk cache format version 2

Firefox 1 to 31

Mozilla Firefox 1 to 31 use the Mozilla Firefox disk cache format version 1.

On Linux Mozilla Firefox 1 to 20


On Linux Mozilla Firefox 21 to 31


On Mac OS


On Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%PROFILE%.default\Cache\

On Windows Vista, 7


Firefox 32 and later

Mozilla Firefox 32 and later use the Mozilla Firefox disk cache format version 2.

On Linux


On Mac OS


On Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%PROFILE%.default\cache2\

On Windows Vista, 7

